
Principal's Message

George Morse

Welcome To Acceleration West 

I am proud and honored to be the Principal of Acceleration West, where the focus is on empowering students today for a bright future tomorrow. We believe that each of our students have the courage to overcome any and all obstacles, the energy to excel beyond expectations, and the determination to do and be your best.

You have the opportunity to embark on an adventure where you will learn and define who you are and who you will be. You have the opportunity to earn a high school diploma in three years if you work hard and achieve all that is required. At Acceleration West we believe:

  • All students can be successful in an academic environment.
  • Thinking is a requirement and a necessity.
  • Learning is a continuous, life-long process.
  • A wide variety of elective and alternative educational options must be offered to meet the needs of all students.
  • In a partnership with parents and the community to offer students the strongest education possible.

We have high expectations for our students, parents, faculty and staff. Success is not just a word; it is an experience. Acceleration West will provide a variety of program experiences to help our students achieve success.

As the principal, I would like to personally invite our students, parents and community to be a part of a distinctive family at Acceleration West. I am excited to meet each of you, get to know you personally, and make Acceleration West a place where you have the opportunity to “Dream – Believe – Achieve!”


George Morse


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